Monday, August 24, 2009

Thoughts from Today and "Welcome to the Future"

Well, we are back at it for a whole week! If it goes like today went, even for a Monday, we are on the right track! The students were very anxious to get going today, even though we have a few bugs to work out. I love to see their surprises when I tell them that it is almost lunch time and they say, "Already? Wow! The day is going by so quickly!" While so much has changed for them from 2nd grade to 3rd grade, a lot has changed for me also. I have restructured my classroom, getting rid of the traditional desk to create more of a "community" approach to learning. So far it is working wonderfully, and I think most of the students would agree. Many of us at Crestwood Elementary are restructuring our literacy to revolve around the routine of the Daily Five. Not throwing out the good of balanced literacy, but simply structuring it in a different way. The "Morning Meeting" has also become a great starting point for the day in 3B in making everyone know they are valuable and have much to offer! What is a "Habitude" you ask? Ask a 3B student from my room about imagination and what we have started to discuss about it's importance in all of us. Pull in the activities with our new Smartboard and stand back. . . a room full of learners, including the teacher! With all of this in place, the motivation to learn is contagious!

I wanted to include a video off of YouTube by Brad Paisley that I fellow "Twitter" friend of mine sent out, but it would not let me embed it into my blog page. So, if you have time, go to Brad Paisley's YouTube site and select/watch the video for "Welcome to the Future". The neatest thing about the video is that today, during our Morning Meeting, we discussed what imagination was and why even older kids, and adults for that matter, need to remember to imagine. The kids then shared something they imagine themselves doing when they grow up. The video is powerful; yet, I think it is most powerful for us, the parents and teachers of the kids of today. Sit back, click the link, and enjoy!


  1. Hi 3B! It's Mrs. Hartberg. I'm wondering where I can find your daily blogs. I would like to read with the daily blogger has written.
    Can someone let me know?
    Thank you!

  2. You are doing so many wonderful things in 3B! It makes me excited about visiting your classroom the next time. I will take a look at the YouTube video Mrs. Kerian suggested watching. I am curious to know how many minutes you are up to for "Read To Self."

  3. I enjoyed the video "Welcome to the Future." Thanks for sharing.
