Monday, November 16, 2015

Book Orders Due Tuesday, November 24th

I am sending home another book order.  I hope to place this order over Thanksgiving break so the books will arrive early enough for Christmas.  If you are ordering books for Christmas and would like me to set them aside, please mark on the order or attach a note stating that they are Christmas books and should not be sent home with the student.

Here are some reminders about book orders:
1.  PLEASE be sure you write your child's name on the top of each order.  We had some last time without names, and usually I catch it but did not this time.  Please make sure the name is on the top of each individual order form.

2.  PLEASE be sure to remind your child to hand me the order. I have reminded them not to just set them on the table or put in basket as sometimes they get misplaced.

3.  PLEASE remember to write checks out to me, Mrs. Kerian, as I order the books online with my credit card.  This makes the ordering easier and books come faster.  Do NOT make the check out to the school or Scholastic book clubs.

4.  PLEASE have all orders in an envelope, money included, name written on order and outside envelope.

5.  Return student orders by Tuesday, November 16th.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  There are some great books in these orders that will make wonderful Christmas presents!!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Wanna be an Astronaut!!!!

Crestwood had the honor of hosting a real astronaut!!! Yes!!! A real astronaut!!!  Clayton Anderson is a astronaut who visited and spoke with groups of students, K-12,  throughout the day sharing his experiences and answering questions. He has taken many space travels and had so much to share with all of us!    Here is a cool video that Mr. Carver shared for the students to understand the impact of what Clayton Anderson has made in space research and discovery.

Mr. Anderson took us on a space travel mission! I was so impressed how he spoke to each group he presented to at different levels for the students to better understand and stay engaged.  He did super! For our space travel, he had the students buckle up their five buckles, put in their helmet and visor, control the gears and controls to launch, blast off, float around in space, take pictures in outer space, and return to the landing strip.  The students loved it!!!  As he was having us do all these things, he also shared facts for us to learn about space travel.  Following this, he answered some questions from the students.  It was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to experience!!!

I think I have some future astronauts in the 3B!!!

Veteran's Day - Thank You to All Veterans!

My brother, Ken, was a veteran and served in the US Army.  Going through the experiences of taking him to the airport to go overseas to Iraq and not hearing from him for days/weeks is something that I will never forget.  His dedication, as well as others whom we met through him, is something I admire and honor him for.  Thus, it only made sense to show our appreciation to our vets in my classroom by setting up a white table.

If you have not heard the story of America's White Table, it is one that is worth reading.  It is a super picture book about a girl who's uncle is a veteran and her family sets up a white table every year on this day.  The girl learns why and builds an emotional connection with her uncle as well as an understanding about Veterans Day.

To go with the story, a table was set up in our classroom with items to help us remember those who have served and those who never returned. Items on the table are:
* A small table for one's lonely battle against many
* A white cloth to honor a soldier's pure heart
* A lemon slice and grains of sale to show a captive soldier's bitter fate and tears from family
* An empty chair for missing soldier
* A black napkin for sorrow captivity
* A white candle for peace
* A red rose in a vase tied with a red ribbon for hope
* Hero written in the salt

Students were then encouraged to bring in items from relatives or friends who are veterans so that we can show an appreciation for them and thank them!  The table was set all week and students brought in objects, medals, clothing, etc. to share with the class.

We also took some time to write thank you cards that will be mailed to a service woman from Cresco.  Her name is Bre Balk and she was recently deployed.  I will mail the cards this week to her.  

Veterans were also invited to have lunch with the students for free to show our appreciation to them.  It was great to see so many family members and friends have lunch in our cafeteria.  

And again, thank you to every Veteran for your service.  We can never thank you enough!

Parent Teacher Conferences - Wonderful!!

I had 100% turn out for parent teacher conferences! Yeah!  It is wonderful when parents and families work together with their child's teacher to benefit the child.  Isn't that what is most important?  So thank you to all the parents for coming to parent teacher conferences!  I loved sharing all the great things happening in 3B and talking about goals for each child to continuing building.  Please remember that communication is key and we are in this together!

As I mentioned at conferences, students are finishing up their science test - a hands on assessment applying learning to create a Videolicious video.  I told parents that most students would be done soon, and they are!  I will post 3-4 videos on our class Facebook page throughout the next few days as well as post some on this blog page. The video created is a connection to the "big ideas" in our science unit of "Plant and Animal Populations".   Stay tuned.  An assessment rubric was used to assess each video as well.  Those will be sent home as well.


Measurement Mania!

Wow!  I apologize for not making a post in a while.  The last two weeks flew by.  I post events from the classroom and information more frequently on my class Facebook page so please be sure to follow that for more information on a daily basis.

Measurement is the focus in math lately.  It is a short unit in which we work on measuring to nearest half and quarter inch as well as nearest half centimeter.  Now, measuring to nearest half or whole unit is a little easier than measuring to nearest quarter.  We have been reviewing quarter inch measurement the last few days and students are showing a better understanding each day.

Students also used their creative side to make Measurement Monsters.  They loved this activity because they had to make certain parts for their monster and measure those parts as accurately as they could.  It was fun watching them get creative!

Along with this, we are also working on perimeter and area.   Everyone loved working on perimeter using mini M & Ms.  Yum!

While we don't know our multiplication facts well, students are seeing a connection between area and multiplication.   We will work on reviewing the concept of area this week using Cheez-Its!  Who knew you could learn so much math while having a snack once and a while.