Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Important Information about Signing up for Conferences!

I hope that everyone received the letter sent home yesterday about the change in scheduling conferences.  The school is piloting a way to have parents sign up for conferences online.  It is similar to what parents do to sign up for conferences with students at the high school.  We are also hoping that is it more convenient for all parents.

The letter that was sent home explained everything that you need to know.  There was one "misprint" on the direction side of the online sign up and that was step number 2.  Somehow that got mixed up with the high school directions.  When you are signing up online for conferences (following the directions on the sheet sent home), for step 2, go to the top of the Howard-Winn home page and click on "Parent Information".  Below that will be a link to click on for "CE Conference Scheduler".  Then continue on with step 3 of the directions as given.   We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that parents remember we are "piloting" something new.

Also remember that if you are having trouble or need assistance, you may contact Linda at the Crestwood Elementary office or myself.  If you are have more than one child to schedule conferences for, I suggest you do it as soon as possible to make sure you can get them all arranged one after the other.

The other big information that connects to conferences applies to only 3rd grade students, and that is that these conferences are student-led.  This means that your 3B child must attend conferences with you, and he/she will be leading the conference sharing information about their learning and behavior as well as show student pieces of work.  I will be listening but standing to the side during this time and then join you when your child is done.  While this is a nerve wracking experience for the students, they do a wonderful job and are very proud at the end.  We will be practicing starting next week so students are ready and prepared.  So please remember that your 3B child should attend his/her conference with you which ever evening you sign up.  Thank you!

Changing the subject....I just saw that one of our 3B students made her blog post about her at home reading of realistic fiction.  Yippee!  Remember that each child must make a blog post sharing comments about their at home reading by this Friday.  Information was sent home Monday.  Comments that need to be discussed are in the previous blog post and were sent home on Monday.  If you are not sure, look below in the previous post.  Remind students that they need to write enough in their post so that all readers know what they are talking about and not simple answering questions I said needed to be commented on.  It needs to make sense to the readers who read from anywhere, not just myself.

Also remember that if your child does not have access to a computer, he/she can write about their reading or chat with me to do it at school during the day.  We will make it work!

Thanks and have a great rest of the week.  I hope that everyone has success signing up for conferences.  Let me know if you have any questions!

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