Thursday, November 3, 2011

Great Conferences!

Thank you so much to everyone for making it to conferences! It was wonderful to touch base with everyone and continue to build that home to school connection! Remember that if you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me through email or a phone call. is suddenly very cold outside! I think we were spoiled by the warm weather and now fall/winter is fast approaching. Please remember to have your child come to school dressed accordingly as many are coming with not enough layers and freezing outside before school starts. Hats and mittens now would be a great thing as well as many are saying their hands or faces are chilly! I always hate to talk about this topic as I hate winter, but I guess we have to deal with it living in Iowa!

After a nice three day break and Halloween thrown in there we are back at it! Hopefully you all had a nice break. I jetted to New York City for three days with my family and had a wonderful time....even if it did snow on us Saturday. Luckily they only had 2-3 inches where we were and it was melted by Sunday morning so we could still take advantage of the sites of the city. We had a super time, and I hope your 3B son or daughter enjoyed eating their big lolly from Dylan's Candy Store. Yumm!

I will be sending home your child's unit 2 math assessment next Monday as there are a few yet to finish. We are jumping into measurement this week and will be on that topic for a while. We made our own class measurement tool called a "Bruno" so we can understand the reason to have standard types of measurement. The students used their "Bruno" to measure various things in the classroom and had a super time with it!

If you haven't noticed, there has been a little more homework sent home this week. I hope the students can get used to it because it probably will continue. While most are not big task to complete, there will be a larger activity sent home next Monday that connects to at home reading. I talked to many parents about this at conferences and stated that it would be sent home this week. I have decided to start it next week so look for that information next Monday or Tuesday.

Have a great week!

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