Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring May Be Here!!!

Mother Nature has turned it around for us!  Wow!  What a gorgeous week it has been!  Along with this beautiful weather though comes the melting of snow.....which leads to mud and mess on the playground.  Many students are coming in wet after recess (even when reminded to stay out of the puddles).  I would suggest that students bring extra socks to change into incase their's get wet at recess.  We would like them to continue wearing books so they do not drag mud into the classrooms.  While I know it feels warm outside, students have also been told that they can not go off the cement unless they have boots and snow pants on.  This helps eliminate the chances of falling in the mud or water and getting pants all wet.

Parents, please check your child's backpack every night as well.  Wet clothes will be sent home every night so that they are not sitting in a child's locker and stinking up the hallways.   After a while, our hallway tends to smell like wet dog if students do not take their wet clothes home.  So parents, please check the backpack daily and help us wash up those wet clothes before returning them to school.

Let's hope this weather continues and winter stays far, far away!!!!

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