Friday, August 22, 2014

How Can I Keep Up With 3B's Fun?

I wanted to send a quick post about the different ways you can follow activities, receive important information, or just simply see what is going on in 3B.  Here you go:

1.  One way is to read my 3B blog, which is what this is posted on.  One to two times a week, I post information, pictures, and activities to show what is going on in 3B.  I will also sometimes share important information about activities that may be approaching.  Checking this blog site is a great way to stay current on what is happening in our classroom. I also have strategies, contact information, and links to many online activities along the right side of the blog that we use throughout the school year.  Students may also use these links from home as well.

2.  Another way is to "like" our 3B Facebook page.  The link is  Simply "like" the Facebook page to see pictures and great things from 3B.

3.  We also have a class Twitter account.  (I have posted some things on Twitter this week but students will start doing it with me next week.)  Our class Twitter account is @Kerian3B.  Please follow us for updated information and pictures as well.  We use our class Twitter account to connect and collaborate with students and professionals from around the world!  Very exciting!!!

4.  The students each have their own blog pages as well. (Some students told me today they shared their blog pages with their parents already.  Super!)   The link to the student blog pages is on the right side of my blog page.  We would love comments from parents, family members, and friends.

So there are many ways to keep current and connect with 3B.  Hopefully one or more of the above modes of communication will work for you.

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