Monday, April 22, 2013

KidWind Challenge Day....Friday

I know everyone has heard from their 3B friend or student about the fun we are having making wind
turbines!  It has been wonderful, and the students have learned a ton!

To wrap up our study of wind energy and wind turbines, the company itself, KidWind, is coming to Cresco this Friday, April 26th to hold a "Challenge Day"!  Along with this, they will have stations set up for kids to experience how a generator works, how to generate human power, moving a sail car, and test how fast wind speed is.  Everyone is very excited!

Students in 3B had the chance to sign up to participate in the KidWind Challenge of creating the wind turbine, blades and all, and testing the speed, seeing who or which team makes the turbine that creates the most energy.  I am excited that a lot of students have showed interest in signing up to participate in the "Challenge" itself.  They will be given a box of blade materials and decide how to make the best set of blades, competing against others.  I am not sure if all will be able to participate, as I am unsure if there is a limit, but I will let them know soon!

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