Monday, February 1, 2010

Another Busy Week!

Well, the students are ready for their big night tonight - their music program. I hope all of you can make it as they are singing some pretty fun songs! Please remember to have your child to the high school by 6:45 as the program starts at 7:00 and we need to get them lined up in time to start at 7:00. A note was sent home last week from Mrs. Holten with the information about the program so hopefully none of this is a surprise to you. Remember that there is also a home basketball game so it will be a little crowded in the parking lot. Hope to see you tonight!

Your 3B child should have brought a slip home with a time scheduled next week for parent-teacher conferences. If the time written does not work for your schedule, please return the slip with a time that would work better. It is important your bring your 3B child along as they will be leading the conferences. We started getting ready today and I can tell they are a little nervous. When you arrive at your conference that night, please just come on in and get started even if there is someone else in the room. It is alright to have 2 conferences going on at the same time just so we don't get off schedule. Your 3B child will start the conferences sharing their learning and critiques, and I will join you in the middle of the conference. (I will be listening from the side though). Although it is a scary time for the 3rd graders, it is a very beneficial experiences for them as well. After all, they are what the conference is about.

February seems to have a lot of "interruptions" - if we can call them that. Remember that this Wednesday is an early out for inservice. There is no school next Friday, February 12th, due to teacher compensation for time spent at conferences. We originally were to have off the following Monday as well, February 15th which is President's Day, but that is now a make up day. Please pay close attention to calendars and notes sent home from school throughout the month as it can be a busy time.

The "Big Blast" from our fundraiser has been rescheduled for this Friday. Mrs. Sovereign would love it if students wore Cadet blue tshirts or something Crestwood realated, if you have something. Those students that earned the ride in the limo and lunch at Pizza Hug will also do that this Friday - I get to go too! Yumm! I know the students are very excited about the Big Blast as they ask every day when it will be! Good way to celebrate their hard work!

Just a reminder that I will be on vacation to Jamaica February 12-21 and will return to school the 22nd. I will have everything prepared for the sub and know things will go very smoothly. If you need to let the sub know anything that week, please send a note or call Linda in the office so she can inform my sub. I usually bring back gifts for the kids so they are already curious what that will be.

Enjoy the week!

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