Monday, November 16, 2015

Book Orders Due Tuesday, November 24th

I am sending home another book order.  I hope to place this order over Thanksgiving break so the books will arrive early enough for Christmas.  If you are ordering books for Christmas and would like me to set them aside, please mark on the order or attach a note stating that they are Christmas books and should not be sent home with the student.

Here are some reminders about book orders:
1.  PLEASE be sure you write your child's name on the top of each order.  We had some last time without names, and usually I catch it but did not this time.  Please make sure the name is on the top of each individual order form.

2.  PLEASE be sure to remind your child to hand me the order. I have reminded them not to just set them on the table or put in basket as sometimes they get misplaced.

3.  PLEASE remember to write checks out to me, Mrs. Kerian, as I order the books online with my credit card.  This makes the ordering easier and books come faster.  Do NOT make the check out to the school or Scholastic book clubs.

4.  PLEASE have all orders in an envelope, money included, name written on order and outside envelope.

5.  Return student orders by Tuesday, November 16th.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  There are some great books in these orders that will make wonderful Christmas presents!!

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