Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Iowa Assessments - It is Time!

Good morning everyone and happy first day of spring!  I hope you enjoyed your four day weekend!  The weather could not have been better so hopefully you and your family had some fun outside!  It was hard to get going this morning as I was used to staying home the last four days.  We are back at it though, working hard!

As the title states, it is time for Iowa Assessments (formally known as Iowa Test of Basic Skills).  We will be staring these assessments with 3rd grade tomorrow, taking a test in the morning and a test in the afternoon.  The 3rd grade teachers have the assessments scheduled each day, sometimes one a day and sometimes two a day, throughout next Thursday, March 29th.  It would be very helpful if students try hard to NOT miss school these days as it is difficult to make the assessments up.  If you have Dr. or dentist appointments scheduled, please consider rescheduling them to a different date.  Thanks so much!

It is also important that your child gets plenty of rest each night.  I know that is hard because it is so nice outside and the kids just want to be out there, me too, but please make sure they get plenty of rest as well as eat a good breakfast each day.  The school, and myself, will be supplying brain food before each assessment to make sure the students' brains are awake and ready.

If you have any questions about the assessments, feel free to contact me.  Otherwise, keep it low key and not too stressful for your child.  It is the first time 3rd graders are taking the assessment so we don't want to overwhelm them with stress.  They will do fine if they simply try their best.

Thank you to the families that made it to our Literacy/Tech Open House last week.  It was great to see so many parents involved and curious what happens in 3B as far as technology and literacy.  I will be posting pictures that were taken that evening soon.  Thanks again for being involved in your child's education.  Hopefully you also had a chance to have some yummy soup, even if it was 75 degrees outside!  :)

What else is happening?  Well, we are working with Mrs. Galvin's kindergarten class helping them prepare for their Zoo Projects.  Third grade students each did research on an animal selected by the kindergarten partner and will be teaching the kindergartner all about the animal in preparation for their Zoo Day.  We also turned it into a writing activity of writing a research report and put together brochures.  I would have liked to have done something more digital, but this was what worked for kindergarten.  Next time.

On Wednesday, we have Kaitlyn coming from Food Basics to share more interesting information on eating healthy.  Along with this, the high school students from Food and Fitness will be stopping by Friday to share more information and have us taste something healthy and new.  Wonder what it is????

What else?? We are wrapping up Theme 4 for literacy and will be doing some fun inquiry activities next week to close that unit.   Today we are starting our next unit in Social Studies, and students are eager to get rolling in that as well.

A reminder to keep working on multiplication facts.  I have a few students who almost have all the facts master, some about half way, and a few who don't appear to have much motivation to continue working on them.  The Walking Taco party will be somewhere towards the end of April so keep working on mastering all the basic facts and let me know when you are ready to have them assessed.  You can do it!!

Enjoy the beautiful spring day and have a super week!

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