Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Full Week Ahead! YIPPEEEE!!!

It's 10:30 PM and I am planning for our first full Monday tomorrow.  There is always so much to do in 3rd grade!  We have had a lot of fun the first few days of school, and I know that will continue!  While there are still a few "basic routines" we have to finish, we are jumping into a lot of subject areas this week.  I know the students are anxious to start math, science, and literacy as they have asked when we are going to get rolling.   So let's get to it!

Some of the activities that are coming up are exploring the scientific method through a great liquid activity, using the digital camera to find all the different ways numbers are used in the world and in our building, and jumping into the Daily 5 as well as our district's new literacy program.  I am also going to be showing the students how to practice their keyboarding skills (this is currently something the district expects 3rd grade students to begin) through an online program that the students can access anywhere anytime via the internet.

I am sending home a sheet today that I meant to send home last week.  It is giving permission for your student to utilize the internet and for me to post pictures etc. on the internet of our class.  I apologize that I did post pictures from the Open House without parental permission, even though no names were given in the pictures.  It was purely overlooked and a mistake on my part.  Sorry about that!  Please know that if you do not want to have your child's pictures etc. on the internet, they will be removed immediately! Please sign and return the sheet as soon as possible.

I also sent an email the other day to the parents who gave me their email addresses.  Some of your addresses are not working and therefore the email was sent back to me.  I will be contacting some of you to verify the email that you gave me is correct so that we can continue to chat and keep communication open between home and school!

Again, thanks for sharing your child with me.  They are getting into a great routine and have wonderfully big hearts!  We have had a lot of discussions on how this is "OUR classroom" and we work "TOGETHER" to make it a great year!

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