Monday, October 25, 2010

Where did October Go?

What a dreary start to the week!!!!  It is also hard for me to believe that October is almost over!  Wow!! Where did the month go???

I am sure some of you were wondering where my newsletter/post was last week.   Sometimes the week just gets by me and I will not be making a "post" on the blog page while other weeks I will have 2-3 posts during the week.  That's the great part of using a blog can share information and pictures throughout week.   Last week, I did not have a post as it was a busy week.  That doesn't mean I don't have anything to share, it just means keep checking the blog page for an update.  I will be asking all parents at conferences if they check the blog page via the Internet as I would like to decrease the amount of paper for printing it out. If you don't have the internet or access, that is fine.  I will just be printing my posts out for those parents/students who need it on paper.  Otherwise, keep checking on the Internet.

A few reminders for the week as it is a crazy one:
     1.  Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held this week.  For most of you, they will be Tuesday or   Thursday from 3:00-8:00.  Others have conferences scheduled in the mornings or other days after school.  I am anxious to see all of you again and have lots to share.  Please try to be on time for your conferences as my schedule is pretty full with back to back conferences.  Thank you!
     2.  There is no school this Friday due to teacher compensation for time put into conferences.  Enjoy the three day weekend and prepare for Halloween.  :)
     3.  Report cards will be sent home with your 3B child today.  I like the students to have a look at them before the parents so your 3B child has seen his/her report card.  While I did not go over them individually with each student, I did go over the structure of the report card and the rating system. If they have questions about them, please bring those questions to conferences as well as your questions and comments.
     4.  If your child was writing a report for the "I Love America" essay put on by the VFW, please have that to me by the necessary due date.  I have received a few so that is super.  It was not required, but I would love to have more students participate.  If your child needs a new set of directions, please let me know.
     5.  Book-It for the month of October is due this Thursday or next Monday, either day is fine.  When your child returns his/her Book-It calendar for the month, he/she will be given a certificate for a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut! I am hoping many students participate because reading at home is very important!!!!!
     6.  If your child is entering the coloring contest for the Fire Station (drawing or printing out a picture and coloring it) please have that to me by the necessary dates as well.

We just finished up our assessments for chapter 2 in math.  I hope to be sharing those, along with various assessments from science, at your child's conference.  I also will be sharing your child's MAPs score from the fall this year as well as their DIBELS assessment results.  As you can see, we are going to have a lot to discuss.

I feel I need to make a comment about last Friday so that you, as well as the students, and myself are all on the same page.  Last Thursday night I flew to Texas for my nephew's baptism and was gone Friday.  (Had a super time but quick trip) I returned Monday to school from my substitute about the behavior of my class while I was gone.  Let's just say my heart was kind of broken by the behavior of some students.  Now, not all students were mentioned and some did behaved as expected, showing great character and respect.  Others....not so much.  We had a big discussion about it this morning during our Morning Meeting and students were very open.  They understood why I was disappointed.....So this week the students will be reviewing Cadet Pride and showing good character.  I know they can do it, as they do it for me, but they need to realize they need to show good character at all times, even when I am gone.  I wanted to mention it on my blog to give parents the chance to talk with their 3B child about the other day and let them know what you, the parents, expect as well when the teacher is gone.  I am rarely sick (knock on wood) but am involved in a lot of committees in which we meet various days during the month.  Students will have a sub once and a while due to the fact I need to be at a meeting.  I would like them to know that we, meaning them as students, the parents, and myself, all expect good character when I am gone.  Thanks for you help with this and have a great discussion with your 3B child. I appreciate it.

Have a great, short week.  Hopefully we will see some sunshine soon.  I look forward to seeing all of you at conferences.

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