Last week was a very busy; yet, wonderful week for 3B. I was so proud of each and every one of the students as they worked so hard and stayed on task the whole week! Great job 3B! I hope that continues this week and throughout the rest of the year!
Well, where to start? We did finish up our biography presentations! They were super. I have put pictures of the students on their individual blog pages (you can get to by visiting my web page). You can also view the pictures on my webpage and going to the "09-10 photo" link or clicking on the star that says "Biography Presentation Photo". Either one will get you there. These are just pictures from our "dress rehersal" so not all students have a photo yet as some did not have their costumes at school for the dress rehersal. I am currently working on uploading the videos to the student's blog pages and created a DVD with all the presentations. I will then give a DVD to each student to keep and watch the presentations at home. They are so excited for that!!! I told them they were going to be movie stars!!! Look for that to come home soon but feel free to view their individual picture posted on the web (student blog page or my class web page)! I have to say I was very impressed with everyone's costumes and hard work to memorize as much of their presentation as they could!!!! Excellent job 3B! I could tell you enjoyed this project!!!
We also finished a science and math test last week. I am finishing correcting those, science has many parts, and will be sending those home tomorrow or Wednesday. Because of our Earth Day activity last Thursday, we didn't have science Thursday or Friday (Friday was Food and Fitness). I did not get all the components of the science test done, but I am going to just go with what we did get done. The students were glad to hear that!! :) To get them used to "letter grades" they will be getting in 4th grade, I will be putting a "letter grade" on both the science and math assessments. This will give each 3rd grader an idea of what grade they would have received if in 4th grade. I am going to try and do that on many activities to help them prepare for this aspect of 4th grade. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
On Thursday of this week we will be going out to Vernon for Arbor Day. This is a day of activities focusing on trees, soil, plants, and wildlife. Please be sure your child dresses in layers as the weather could be chilly in the morning and then get warmer as the day progresses. Hats/visors are allowed as well. Please have your 3rd grader where tennis shoes as we will be walking on some trails and busy outside. I also suggest you put sunscreen on your 3rd grade child that morning before sending him/her to school so that no one gets burnt. The school will be providing sack lunches for all of 3rd grade so please do not send a cold lunch on Thursday from home. This is a fun activity that brings all 3rd graders together throughout the district. Let's just hope the weather cooperates!
May 14th is also a field trip for Crestwood 3rd graders. We will be going to an eagle preserve in Wisconsin as well as a toy museum. More information will be sent home soon, but I wanted to send out a little request for chaperones. Each class will be taking 3 parent chaperones. If you are interested in going and would like to volunteer, please send me an email or call me. If I have more than 3 volunteers, I will put all names in a hat and draw them out to make it fair. Just so you know, we will be leaving the elementary at 7:30 AM and returning at 3:30 PM. Again the date is May 14th. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to volunteer to go along. I guarantee it will be a super day!
Last week we also ventured into something new in literacy called Book Clubs. After two days of modeling by myself, Mrs. Hartberg, and Mrs. Foster, the students went into some of the 4th grade rooms and watched what a book club is. There is a photo above that shows some 3rd grade students watching a 4th grade book club. Then on Thursday, we started our book clubs. The students are loving them and learning so much from the discussions that are happening, which is a main component of book clubs. Please ask your child about his/her book club, the book they are reading, and how it is going.
Above you will find some pictures that can be viewed on my web page in the photo albums. I have posted pictures from our Earth Day activity picking up trash in Cresco and at Kessel Park as well as the biography pictures. Take a look!
Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine. . . hopefully it sticks around awhile!
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