Monday, December 7, 2009

"Let it Snow! Let it Snow" Let it Snow" - Please NO!

Well, it looks as if winter is here and going to hit us hard the next few days. I don't know about you, but I am not ready for this. The kids were very excited to play in the snow, what there was of it. Many were bundled and ready for the coldness, but a few students were not. Please remember to send snowpants, boots, hats, and mittens on these cold days. It is also a great idea to send extra gloves and socks as the first pair usually ends up pretty wet by the last recess. I am not a fan of the snow, but I will admit it does look pretty the first snow fall.

I am finally sending home our latest math tests. All students are finished and returned from being gone. These do not need to be returned as I have copied them for my files. We will continue to work on multidigit addition and subtraction throughout the whole year as there are many steps - sometimes leading to confusion for the students. Currently, we are working on measurement and just started learning about perimeter today. I am very impressed with the background knowledge the students have with measurement! Super to see!

Sometime this week I will be sending a note home for a "caring project" for Character Counts. It involves sending packages of mini-candy bars to the troops overseas. Please look for that and consider sending something for this donation project. One of the pillars of Character Counts is "caring" and this would be a great way to show the troops we care about them. We will also be doing a short writing project for Buzz Miller to show him we care about him during his fight with cancer. There's no better time than the present, and around the holiday season, to show others we care.

Today we had a little fun talking about "rating" things. Mrs. Hartberg's husband made us some cookies to look at. (Thanks Mr. Hartberg!) Some were beautifully decorated, some were simple, and some were not decorated at all. The class made rating charts with cue words for each type of cookies that were appropriate and fitting for the rating, 3, 2, or 1, that they were given. These rating charts will be relied on and connected to our assessments we will be making in writing with the traits. Thus far we have the traits of conventions and ideas. Students will begin assessing their own writing according to rating rubrics we will introduce tomorrow. We hope that this will give them some ownership and continue to push them to better themselves as writers. So you may want to ask them about the cookies.. . . . oh, how they wanted to eat them! :)

The "Big Blast" for our fundraiser is coming up. The date has been set for December 22. I am looking for two parent volunteers to come in and help monitor the gym while we are in there celebrating. I am not sure what exact time it will be (morning or afternoon), but I will know that by this Wednesday. If you are interested in volunteering to help out, send me an email, note, or phone call, and I will get back to you with details. If there are many volunteers, I will probably just draw names out of a hat. Just let me know please if you are interested. Thank you.

Stay warm!

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