Monday, October 19, 2015

Writing is Like Art!

The writing process is a big part of 3rd grade writing instruction.  That being said, it is a process that
many people, even adults, struggle with.  The best way to relay the writing process to 3rd grade minds was to connect it to something they know  Art is a process as well.  Starting with a vision, the artist creates something, takes pieces out, adds pieces, changes things, possibly starts over, ask opinions, and then presents his/her masterpiece for others to see and enjoy.  This is just like writing.

So to help my 3B students see the process they would begin working through with writing, I had them apply the same process an artist would to play dough.  Students started out with some play dough.  Their first direction stated that they had 8-10 minutes to create something, whatever they wanted.  After that time period, they were told they had 2-3 minutes to take something out.  Following that, students were told they had 2-3 minutes to add something.  Finally students were then told they had 2-3 minutes to change something.  All of these things are what artists do.  Then students titled their creations and classmates went around sharing compliments and thoughts on post-it notes for the artists to celebrate and read.

Connect this to writing.  Writers create something, edit by taking things out, adding things, changing things, starting over.  They also share their piece with someone else through peer editing and publishing, giving their piece a title.

My hope is that students will see how the writing process is similar to what an artist would do to create a masterpiece.  When a writer publishes a piece....isn't that a masterpiece as well?  It is to me and should be to them!

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