Sunday, August 25, 2013

Great Start to the School Year!

I hope that everyone has enjoyed the beautiful weekend!  I ran into some of you at "Meet the Team" night Friday night, which was great!  My family and I snuck away for a few days and ran up to our family cabin by Mankato.  Perfect weather for some tubing, jet skiing, and fishing wouldn't you say? Are you ready for a full week? I hope so!

Task: "Create something that teaches us something about you."
We have had a wonderful start to the school year getting to know one another better, talking about filling one another's "buckets" (Mom and Dad, if you don't know what this is, ask your 3B student), and getting our iPads all set up!  It has been a really exciting time to be a student at Crestwood Elementary and Howard-Winn!
Aiden working with Photo Booth

Last week I introduced the students to their individual emails.  Yes, 3rd graders do get emails.  We are just getting used to logging in etc., but hopefully the students will be ready to check their emails from any computer that has internet by the end of the week.  I realize there are a few parents who do not want their students using email, and that is fine.  If you checked off on the "Permission Sheet" that you did NOT want your child to use email, I am just showing them how to log in using their password so they can access the Goggle apps we will be using in the future as well.  Students were shown how to access their email on a laptop so they know what to do when they do not have their iPads.  At school, we will access emails using iPads.
Girls experimenting with Garage Band App

With the school email, the students have been informed that they can NOT email friends and relatives outside the school yet.  Sorry about that but being it is the first year they are doing email, we want to monitor it for a while.  That does not mean it is not possible to send out.  It just means we do not want them to send out yet.  If you have any questions about this, please contact me.

By the end of the week I will be sending 3B students' email login and password (for those who signed off on approving email) home to the parents so that they can be aware of them as well.

I am impressed with how much some of the students know about using iPads.  Many of them have demonstrated in front of the class how to do various things on the iPad!  Their faces light up when they can share something with the others and teach them what they know!  I love it!  They are so excited to use them as much as possible!

This week we will be accessing our individual student blog pages.  Students will be posting on their blogs throughout the year for relatives, friends, and people around the world to comment on and share thoughts and ideas!  I had students last year get comments from other students as far away as Japan on their blog pages!  Powerful mode of writing when you think about how big your audience is.  Information for parents will also be sent home this week with steps to access the student blog pages.  You can also find the web address on the magnet that was sent home at Open House.
"Create something to teach us something about you."

Besides all of that, we will be starting to get into a normal daily schedule soon.   When I have that finalized, I will send home a copy with each student.

Just a reminder to parents to remember to return any papers that were sent home at Open House.  If you need a new copy of anything you can email me or call the office.

Finally, it sounds like it is going to be a very warm week ahead.  I am not quite sure why we didn't have these hot temperatures this summer but oh well.  Students are more than welcome to bring a water bottle to school that they keep near them so they can have drinks throughout the day instead of having to go to the water fountain to cool down.

Enjoy the week!  Thanks for the great start to the year!  I feel lucky to have so many wonderful "rock stars" in 3B!

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