Monday, May 11, 2015

End of the Year Field Trip!

I am excited for our upcoming field trip to the Eagle Center and Lark Toy Museum.  We are heading out a week from today on chartered buses and the students are excited!

Important information is being sent home today!  Please take some time to look through the information that is being sent home as some of it needs to be returned soon while other parts need to be returned with your 3B student the day of the field trip.  We will be leaving before official start time of school so it is vital everyone is aware of what is going on that day as we will not have school Sunday to remind everyone.

All 3rd graders have already filled out information stating if he/she will be eating a sack lunch provided by the school or bringing one from home.  A reminder that students can NOT change their mind from what they originally agreed on.  Lunches needed from the school have already been ordered so those students will get their tickets charged for that day.

Other information going home today is about getting students dropped off in time for departure.  Please realize the buses will pull out at 7:45.  If your child is not here, they will miss the bus.  If that happens, students will be expected to attend school that day and will be doing extra work in the office.   It is not an excused day.  So please have your child at school May 18th no later than 7:35.

Please read the section about bringing money along as well.  There are shops at both places we will be visiting and students will have time to shop for a few minutes at both if they bring money.  This is totally optional though.  All students will get ice cream at the Toy Museum and money is not needed for that.  The school will be paying for that extra treat.

We look forward to a fun field trip with lots of learning and smiles.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Iowa Assessment Celebration!

I am excited to see a lot of the parents joining us for our Iowa Assessment Celebration this Friday!  I know parents have not seen their child's score yet (they will be sent at the end of the year), but the district as a whole showed great increase compared to last year's scores.  Thus....we are going to celebrate!!!  Way to go Howard Winn!

Information was sent home last week with information.  I will post it below in case you have forgotten.

Who:  Students in grades 3-6 and their parents (please do not bring other siblings, as the focus of the day is to celebrate the achievements of the 3rd-6th graders).

What:  Come join your child for a picnic lunch made by the school.  Then stay for an assembly, a performance by magician Craig Beytien, followed by outdoor activities if weather allows.

When:  Friday, May 15th

Schedule:  3rd grade lunch time:  11:25
Celebration:  12:30
Magician:  1:00
Karaoke, Outdoor Games, Snacks:  2:00-3:15

Parents should have returned money and sheet if they plan to attend the lunch as we needed a lunch count by last Friday.  Thanks to all of those parents who are joining us!  The kids are excited!  

Bike Safety and Police Dog! Important Reminders

Last Friday 3rd and 5th graders had some special visitors......the Cresco city police and Thor, the police dog.  They were here for a good reason, which was a relief to the students!  These officers took time to remind us the importance of wearing a helmet when riding your bike, teaching us hand signals for riding bikes on the road, and introducing us to the police dog.  It was a great reminder for all the students!  The students each had a chance to ride a bike through an obstacle course following the police chief reviewing how to ride safely through town.  Everyone had some great questions about Thor as well!  We learned that Thor helps the police with a lot of different situations.

Thank you Officers! We appreciate your time and your reminders to us about wearing our helmets!